Thank you very much for your interest in our survey on the topic of Library Anxiety!

Library Anxiety refers to perceived barriers when entering and using library facilities and services, particularly in academic libraries.

In order to further improve the services of the University Library Passau, we would like to ask you about your personal experiences with Library Anxiety at the University Library Passau.

It will take approximately 5-9 minutes to complete the survey.

The survey results will be processed as part of a bachelor’s thesis at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in Bavaria. The thesis and the survey results will not be published.

If you wish to participate in the prize draw, you will find a link at the end of the survey directing you to a new page where you can provide your email address and name. This ensures that your questionnaire responses cannot be linked to your identity.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting: In this case, please use the subject "Withdrawal of consent to participate in the Library Anxiety survey".

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. By participating, you confirm that you are of legal age and a student at the University of Passau (bachelor’s, master’s, state examination, doctorate), including international studies.